There seems to have been a mini baby boom in the chipmunk population living in the 4 rock walls on my property. Or perhaps they have all moved to the mountain; slogging over hill and dale to seek new life and opportunity…. Either way I have loads of them. This is a new development.
I had snakes. Big 6-foot black snakes. Snakes that would sun themselves on the steps, so you had to be careful coming and going out the front door. Snakes that left old skin under the shrubbery to scare the unsuspecting weeder. Snakes that gorged themselves, then being too stuffed to move, lay draped over the top of the rock walls. Snakes that I was constantly cutting out of the deer netting. Each part of the property had its own black snake.
No snakes. Not a single one!
And now I have a bloom in the chipmunk population. I do find chipmunks adorable. I do not mind them living in the rock walls. I even bought a wildlife waterer for them. But enough is enough already.
I think I am sorely in need of snakes. I wonder if they will come back?
We have that same thing going on over here. Starting last year, we were positively overrun with them, to the point where my husband actually suggested that we may need to get a cat...
We've never had snakes though. I have noticed a hawk in residence in the woods out back. I wonder if she will help thin the herd...
I work with snakes. Shall I send them over?
I love chipmunks. They are so cute.
The chipmunk is adorable, way cuter than a snake! I have snakes too, black snakes, copperheads, rattlesnakes, garter snakes,all around my garden, I see chipmunks once in a while, but they are hard to get a good capture of, you did great! My first visit to your blog, has been great, I will visit again soon!
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