Here I am in Alaska. I flew into Anchorage and rented a car to drive down to the Kenai peninsula. It was a 4 hour drive from Anchorage. The days are incredibly long up here, so I rolled in with daylight to spare. The first day in town, I tootled around to get my bearings and did a little birding on my own. The weather was spitting rain and cold. (Those leopard print silk long johns really came in handy). I wore 5 layers of clothing. Brrr. But, hey, it's Alaska. I rented an apartment over the Sealion gallery on the Homer Spit. (The spit is that sliver of land that sticks out into the bay.)
The scenery up here is unbelievably beautiful. This is the view from my balcony. I am able to watch the mountains change with the different weather patterns and light. The storm clouds roll in and are magnificant. Look at that sky!
But the next day the sunset is a pale cotton candy pink.
I couldn’t figure out why everybody who has been to Homer ends up taking so many pictures of scenery. But being here, I now get it. So, I am going to show you the view first to get it over with. If you still want more, go to my Flickr page in a few days. I'll post more there. I promise no more shots of my view.
It is so beautiful is it almost painful. I can't image living with this everyday.
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