I flipped on the outside light while I was writing last night hoping for some interesting moths. Truth be told I was really hoping for a Luna Moth, they have been reported south of me. When I went out to check what was happening in the darkness, I found a weensy green frog on the deck railing. It was
maybe 1/2 inch long, and that may be too generous. That is a begonia leaf in the background. I have no idea what it is. Do you know?
This from @Gavatron on Twitter. It's a Grey Treefrog (Hyla versicolor). They can change colour—so that's why this one looks more green.
Plus it's very young, it appears, and I believe the juveniles tend to be more of a fluorescent green. It's beautiful! I've only ever seen one that small once, sitting on a helianthus leaf near a pond. Lucky!
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